August is National Wellness Month, which highlights the importance of self-care. Self-care can be categorized into many forms, but it is important to work on oneself especially physically, mentally, and emotionally. It can take 21 days to form a habit, and 90 days to form a routine. According to a survey conducted by OnePoll and Vagaro, regarding self-care, “Respondents cited these benefits of self-care: self-confidence boost (64%), increased productivity (67%), happiness (71%).” Making small adjustments daily can lead to a well-rounded wellness routine.

There are a variety of options to improve your self-care in your overall life. Drinking more water, stretching, and making healthier food choice can improve your physical well-being. Ways to practice Emotional Self-Care can include journaling, talking with a therapist, and practicing gratitude and meditation to develop healthy coping mechanisms that increase your happiness and sense of well-being. Lastly, there are different ways to practice mental self-care including taking a mental health day for yourself, trying a new hobby, going to a museum, or even reading.

It is strongly encouraged to make self-care and prioritizing your wellness happen much more often than one month during the year. Take time this month to form a wellness routine that works for you.